Aluminium Windows
Aluminium windows today are nothing like previous generations. With sophisticated security systems, clean lines, impressive Window Energy Ratings and bespoke designs available, you can enjoy the slim sight lines and high quality finish products for years to come.

KAT Aluminium Windows are manufactured to the precise standards needed in Aluminium window manufacturing using the latest technology, machinery and manufacturing processes. Quality is at the heart of what we do, giving you the very best in Aluminium windows for your home.
All KAT windows meet or exceed the current standard set down by professional organisations and testing institutes for weather performance and high security. Download a complimentary brochure here.
Aluminium Casement Windows
KAT fits key locking handles to all casement windows for your added security, with 5 handle colours to choose from to complement the existing door and window furniture in your home. Aluminium windows can be manufactured in just 2 weeks, to your bespoke sizes, in a choice of 7 colours. Visit the KAT website to view the gallery of windows.
Aluminium Tilt Before Turn Windows
Aluminium Windows can be made in a variety of configurations, either side opening, top hung, fixed, or with a Tilt Before Turn facility which enables you to reach the outside of your windows for ease of cleaning.
Aluminium is the optimum material for manufacturing windows and that is why it is widely specified by Architects for most serious new build and refurbishment projects.`
Glass in Aluminium Windows
KAT can supply double glazing for your Aluminium windows with a Unique polyamide thermal break to provide optimum thermal Performance to keep your home warm. Blinds can be fitted between the two panes of double glazing for a contemporary look – more information about blinds in glass can be found here. For a truly bespoke design for your home, have you considered working with a glass artist who could produce a pane of glass which is unique to your home. More information can be found here.
KAT manufactures Aluminium windows in the UK. KAT also manufactures Bi Fold Doors, Patio Doors, Concertina Folding Doors, French Doors and Single Glazed Doors in bespoke sizes to your complement your home. Contact KAT on 01625 439666 for a quotation or send an email.

Aluminium Windows in Black